Did you know that people spend over 23.7 hours, on average, each month watching YouTube videos via their smartphones? Data from a report indicates that it’s a platform with a staggering 2.5 billion monthly active users – which means it’s a perfect opportunity for brands to promote their products and services on YouTube.

But, by ‘promote’ we don’t mean running strategic YouTube ad campaigns. You can always go ahead and do that, but here what we mean is reaching out to and collaborating with popular YouTubers in your niche with an impressive engagement rate and subscriber count.

For quite some time now, brands have been running strategic influencer marketing campaigns on YouTube. And the ones that have done it right have enjoyed tremendous success, which we’d like to share here.

Throughout this blog post, we’ll look at five of the most popular YouTube influencer marketing campaigns one by one.

We spent hours conducting thorough research and reviewed countless YouTube influencer marketing campaigns manually. And here we are – ready to roll with our top five list.

We’re so excited to share it with you.

Let’s have a look.

The Top 5 YouTube Influencer Marketing
Campaign Examples to Inspire Your Journey

Here’s our top five list:

  • Subaru #MeetAnOwner Campaign
  • The Walking Dead Mobile Game Campaign
  • Moxy Hotels Do Not Disturb Campaign
  • Jeremy Jahns’ NordVPN Promotion
  • ExxonMobil’s Collaboration with Father-Son Channel “What’s Inside?”

Subaru #MeetAnOwner Campaign

In 2017, Subaru collaborated with Devin Graham, a popular YouTube influencer, and launched their #MeetAnOwner campaign. The video titled “Slip and Slide Off 500 Foot Cliff!!! In 4K!” stars Devin and his friends taking turns one-by-one on a slip and slide across different locations – which ultimately resulted in Devin and friends slipping and sliding over a 500-foot cliff.

The automobile industry is flooded with  companies talking about fuel economy and horsepower. But nobody’s talking about the emotional aspect of purchasing a car.

Throughout the video, you’ll see Devin and his friends slipping and sliding across different locations. And no matter how hard it is to reach these locations, they are driving the Subaru Impreza – which shows Subaru’s association with adventure and, at the same time, reliability.

In the description, you’ll see Devin thanking Subaru for helping him turn his dream project into a reality.

While Devin is promoting Subaru’s Impreza, he’s not directly doing it. Look how natural the campaign looks and feels.

This campaign was well-received with over 1,296,757 views and 21k likes, as of this writing.

The Walking Dead Mobile Game Campaign

Again – in 2017, to promote the launch of the Walking Dead Mobile game, Next games collaborated with all-star YouTube-cast, including Hannah Stocking, Anwar Jibawi, Rudy Mausco, Inanna Sarkis, and Lele Pons.

Throughout this video, you’ll see the cast dealing with a comedic outbreak in a comedic manner. As the cast is playing the game, they encounter zombies in real-life, which soon becomes a four-minute comedic skit.

Next Games gave the cast creative freedom, which ultimately contributed to the success of this campaign. In fact, this video even charms the people who haven’t watched Walking Dead before in their lives.

To date this video has garnered over 13,714,366 views and 233k likes on the Lele Pons channel, which in itself is BIG proof of how successful this campaign was.

Moxy Hotels Do Not Disturb Campaign

In collaboration with a popular YouTube influencer named “Taryn Southern,” Moxy Hotels launched their own YouTube channel named “Moxy Hotels” and launched the “Do Not Disturb” series.

This series features Taryn Souther interviewing different influencers inside a shipping container – which is designed to look like a Moxy Hotel room. And it was genuinely well-received – and was loved by people so much that Moxy Hotels decided to invest more into it.

While the sole purpose of the campaign is promoting Moxy Hotels, it’s important to note that people loved this series. In fact, they loved it so much that they didn’t mind binge-watching all of it.

Some of the videos have more than 500k+ views – which marks the success of the campaign.

Post this campaign, Moxy Hotels focused on their own YouTube channel, and to date, they have well over 3.79k subscribers.

Jeremy Jahns’ NordVPN Promotion

I personally love tuning in to Jeremy Jahns’ movie and TV series reviews. Sometimes he even reviews his favorite video games. But at the end of the day, he’s a hardcore movie fan and reviews almost every movie.

Although he’s a movie reviewer, his audience involves people who don’t??? head over to cinemas and who watch movies from the comfort of their couches on desktop or mobile. And NordVPN’s collaboration with Jeremy caters to the latter.

At the start of the video, you’ll see him promoting NordVPN and clearly explaining how it’ll help you protect your information over the internet. At the same time, he shows how it’s possible to change your virtual location within one click.

These days, people are already concerned about their privacy. And when you add this factor along with NordVPN’s already-existing popularity, you’ll see this campaign to be a success for the company.

ExxonMobil’s Collaboration with
Father-Son Channel “What’s Inside?”

What’s Inside is a popular YouTube channel with over 7.14M subscribers and an astonishing engagement rate where we see the host(s) cut open random things to know what’s inside.  ROB – should be “cut open” – – no hyphen

And in this video the father-son duo did precisely the same thing. To advertise the launch of their new motor oil, ExxonMobil collaborated with the father-son duo, who we see cutting a car engine in two, followed by mentioning how the motor oil can help protect the life of an engine. At the same time, they added more details about the product – which helped the viewers gain deeper insights into the product.

Till date, the video has garnered over 1,134,030 views with over 15k likes. Judging by this number, this campaign can be called a major success.


Influencer marketing is on the rise. And while Instagram is the leading?? influencer hub, YouTube is the second-most popular platform where brands are running strategic influencer marketing campaigns.

In the next few years, as the industry evolves, we’ll see brands pouring in more money. So,  before the space gets too crowded, we’d advise you to build a rock-solid foundation by tapping into the power of YouTube influencer marketing.

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